Bryant’s GitHub Page

My name is Bryant Shao! I’m a junior at UCSD studying Bioinformatics, and I’m mainly interested in Application Development.

My favorite programming langauge is Python, because its readable, English-like syntax makes learning new things much more streamlined.

A quote I really liked from a recent movie I watched was Klaus’ signature quote from the movie Klaus:

“A true act of good will always sparks another”

This site was built using Github Pages

My Goals for 2021 are:

A Man of Unexpected Interests:

[x] Bakes cakes as a hobby

[x] Loves rollercoasters

[x] Wants to go skydiving/bungee jumping

[x] Terrified of the things lurking in the deep REALLY DEEP ocean

My Life as a Software/QA Intern:

console.log("That's me yikes")
